Saturday, December 31, 2016

January Classes - Paint Your ART Out!

 This month we're painting sparkling, glistening snow! 

All of these projects are designed for ages 10 and up; no previous painting instruction or experience is required. 

Day: Thursdays
Time: 4:00-6:00 pm 
Ages: 10 and up (unless otherwise noted) - adults are welcome!
Fees: $15 per class

January  5    

Snowy Alpines

Gorgeous snowy alpines - painted torn paper collage. 
Students as young as seven can create this one!

January  12

Glittery Snowflakes 

Create this winter wonderland with a simple stencil and acrylic paint and glitter on a canvas panel.   


January 19 

Snowy North

Auroras, glittery snow, winter animals, and more! A beautiful wintry scene created in mixed media.

January  26

Snowman Block Heads

Create these snow people with acrylic paint on weathered wood. Then add other fun objects to personalize them! 

Friday, December 30, 2016

Dancing Christmas Trees!

Adorable "Suessical" style Christmas trees!

These are acrylic paintings on canvas panels, with a little glitter paint in the candy cane trunk, star, and ornaments.

Hint: The ornaments were painted using very handy tools: fingertips!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Glimmering Ornaments!

These ornaments are so shiny and lovely!
They are also fairly easy to create:

1) The branches are created with oil pastels: first two or three colors of brown and tan are layered for the "stems." Then, four or five colors ranging from dark green to mint green to yellow are layered on and around the stems.

2) The ornaments are made by tracing round objects on scraps of colored construction paper. Also try diamond shapes, etc. Do not cut them out until after the next step!

3) Find two sticks of soft pastels that are similar in color to each ornament, using light blue for a white (snowman) ornament. Lay each soft pastel on its side and apply in a circular motion to each round ornament, using the darker shade of the color on the outside and the lighter color tint on the inside of each ornament. Rub the colors gently in a circular motion to blend from the outside to the inside.

4) Add a few white highlights with soft pastel. Add any other desired details.

5) Using a metallic Sharpie and/or paper scraps, add additional details and an ornament cap to each ornament.

6) Carefully cut out each ornament. Place each one just below a branch, rearranging them until you like how they look. Glue each one down.

7) Use a metallic Sharpie to add a hook to each ornament, and hide part of the hook behind stem or a few pine needles.