The purpose of our blog is to keep you abreast of what's going on at the Blackfoot Art Center... what classes are currently being offered, what kinds of projects students are working on, and lesson ideas that you may be able to use with your own children or students. We will regularly feature student work here, so remember to bookmark us and check back often! If you are a homeschooling parent without access to outside fine arts instruction, the lesson ideas and resources presented here may be of great value to you.
Classes offered during our first session will be Art is Fun! - an introduction to art for children ages 4-6; Learn to Draw! - two classes for children 4-8 and 9-12; Art Adventures! - two classes for ages 6-9 and 10-14; and finally, an introductory drawing class for teens and adults. If you live in the Blackfoot area and are interested in checking out the details and registering for one or more classes, you are welcome to download our current Class Schedule and Registration Forms (you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download it). If you prefer html format, click here. After downloading and printing, simply fill out the registration form and mail or drop it by with your payment. Remember, classes start May 2!
Also, feel free to download and print out our Blackfoot Art Center Grand Opening informational flyer (this is also .pdf ). You may make unlimited copies to distribute to your group.
Again, welcome to the Blackfoot Art Center! We hope you'll join us in our quest to become more creatively inspired as we explore and experience the visual arts. For more information, please email us at blackfoot_artcenter@yahoo.com or call 208-785-0828.
Friday, April 28, 2006
There is still room in all classes, but space is limited. You can get your name on a class roster by sending an email with the name and age (if under 18) of the participant; and the name of the class, day, and time. We will confirm via reply email ASAP. Then mail your registration materials and payment (or use PayPal, below).
We will hold your place until the day of the first class. By prior arrangement only (phone or email), you may bring payment with registration materials to the first class.
For your convenience, you may pay your registration fees through PayPal! Simply log onto your PayPal account, click the "Send Money" tab, and enter blackfoot_artcenter@yahoo.com as the recipient's email. Enter the amount you are paying, the category "Service," the subject "Art Center Class" (or something similar), and include the participant's name, the class, and the day and times of the class in the message. Click "Continue," check over your information, and click "Send Money." Once completed, you can simply bring your registration forms with you on the first day of class.