Sunday, June 03, 2012

New Blackfoot Art Center Facility

The Blackfoot Art Center now has its own facility at 157 W. Sexton (corner of Sexton and Ash). This facility is devoted entirely to art and crafts classes - to be utilized by the SHARK After School Club, SHARK Summer Day Camp, and community art classes.

SHARK Summer Day Camp begins June 11, 2012 and will include lots of fun art classes.

In addition, an ongoing home school studio art class is held every Wednesday morning 10:30-11:30 am, open to homeschoolers ages 5 through 14. Cost is only $20 per month ($5.00 per class).

An adult level studio art class is held every Thursday evening 6:30-8:30 pm. Students bring their own projects and focus on areas of their own interest with help from the instructor. Current projects include acrylic canvas painting, beginning drawing, and colored pencil projects. Cost is $10 per class or $40 per month. Community art classes  and workshops for all ages are being planned now for the summer months. Stay tuned!

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