Sunday, January 10, 2016

NEW Class Offering - Paint Your ART Out!

Come join us! This is a beginning level painting class, designed for ages 8-up. No previous painting instruction or experience is required.

Day: Thursdays, beginning January 14, 2016
Time: 4:30-6:00 pm
Ages: 8 and up (adults are welcome!)
Fees: $15 per class or $50 per month (four class sessions)

What's Your Style?
Monochromatic Color
Students will learn about composition, form, texture, color theory, style, and the other elements of art while exploring acrylic, watercolor, tempera, and mixed media painting techniques. Students will be introduced to the styles and techniques of the masters and important contemporary artists, and will apply those styles and techniques to their own artwork. We will use photo resources from our extensive photo files (or students may bring their own resources) for subject ideas, lighting, texture, color study, and more. Painting styles will include realism, impressionism, fauvism, expressionism, animation, and abstraction.  This course includes guided acrylic canvas paintings designed to encourage the development of each student's individual style and interpretation. 
Analogous Colors
Each monthly course overview and theme will be posted in this blog prior to the first class meeting of the month. Our painting theme for the month of January is - SNOW! Here is the schedule:

January 14 - "What's your Style?" Acrylic painting on canvas panel. Subject: PENGUINS - $15.00

January 21 -  "Mixing Monochromatic Color." Acrylic painting on stretched canvas. Subject: SNOW KITTEN  ---- Note: this is a guided painting that will be open to the general public. Extended class period will be 4:30 to 6:30 pm - $20.00 or $15.00 when registering for all three January classes.

January 28 -  "Using Analogous Colors."  Acrylic painting on canvas panel. Subject: SNOW SHADOWS -  $15.00

To enroll, visit the Blackfoot Art Center or you can download, print, and complete our Art Class Registration Form and submit or mail with class fee. 

Please check our Facebook page for additional programming, such as upcoming painting events, day camps, workshops, and After School Art Club (AAC) updates.

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