Monday, January 23, 2017

Snowy North Artwork

Here are some of our Snowy North art pieces. I think they are really lovely!

The process includes:

wet-in-wet watercolor to create the gorgeous sky

black tempera paint to create the distant trees

a template and the black paint for the animal silhouette

strips of heavy white paper and a credit card to smear paint with for the trees in the foreground

scissors to cut paper strips for the trees

glue sticks to construct the trees

clear glitter to outline the horizon line and fill in the moon shape and some of the foreground

foam dots to glue the birch trees to the background to give the illusion of depth

a quote print-out about snow and funky scissors to cut out the phrases or words to be glued on to the artwork

Lots of steps, to be sure, but lots of fun!   We really enjoyed making these.

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