Monday, August 28, 2017

Make Your Own Toys!

This week we made TOYS!!!!!

Yep, it's true. We made balancing robots that can balance on the tip of a pencil or even on your nose!

We made a fishing game... and then we went FISHIN'!!!
We made ring toss games!
We made custom designed helicopters that really fly!

We made sun visors from paper plates and wore them to play indoor balloon tennis, which we also made!

We made mazes from paper plates, pipe cleaners, and anything else we could dream up. Then we made more mazes out of recycled CD cases.

We made a floating ball toy, an origami cyclops eye, and flexagon fidget toys.

We even made pompom catapults!!!

Best of all, we had a GREAT time, playing games and having fun with toys that the children made themselves. That's what a MakerSpace is all about, and we are proud to offer it to the Blackfoot community!

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