Wednesday, October 18, 2017

STEAM Challenge Champions!

Did you know? We have a S.T.E.A.M. MakerSpace at the Blackfoot ART Center!  STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, ART, and Math. Formally known as STEM, ART has been integrated because its importance to the creative, innovative, out-of-the-box thinking that is so vital to the process of conceptualizing, re-imagining, engineering, and inventive thinking in the 21st Century.

Our MakerSpace provides a place to create at will using whatever materials and supplies are on hand. Sometimes our makers create their own art or have a craft idea. Sometimes they look through our supplies and an idea pops up. Some dive right into the Challenge Card Box, select a challenge, and get to work! These girls successfully completed this balloon powered ZIP line Challenge. 

Leela built an igloo using only newspaper and masking tape. Oh, she was also required to make it large enough to fit inside. She went a step further... two people fit inside her igloo!
Jeanette and Mai had a 'tallest paper tower' building contest, each using only one sheet of paper and scotch tape (no scissors). Pretty impressive!

We also have a Perler Bead station in our MakerSpace. Makers can use the patterns provided (best for beginners) or can make up their own designs. This is a great project for younger kids to to work on their fine muscle skills -- and patience!

We will be posting pictures of more MakerSpace projects now and then so stay tuned!

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