Sunday, April 29, 2018

Fruit Still Life

Still Life With Apples, by Paul Cezanne

Our Friday afternoon art class painted still life art in the style of Paul Cézanne. We carefully observed several pieces of fruit, noting the shapes, colors, and comparative sizes. 

Then we chose a piece of fruit to place in the front and drew it with white soft pastel. We then drew various pieces of fruit behind the first one, and one more piece of fruit in the background to one side.

Next, we filled in the fruit with layers of soft pastel, remembering to create tints and tones to indicate realistic shapes and colors. 

We then added black pastel around the edges of each to emphasize shape, an effective technique used by Cézanne.

We added a small white highlight on each piece of fruit; then we added our background colors, blurring them a bit and not worrying too much about shapes or forms. 

Lastly, we added cast shadows beneath the fruit, smearing the black pastels to soften the shaded areas. Beautiful!

Our thanks to Young Art Love for this terrific art project!  

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