Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Robot Puppets!

"Contraptions and Gizmos" Week (and Gadgets and Doohickeys and so forth) started, of course, with ROBOT PUPPETS!!! This was a S.T.E.A.M. MakerSpace Camp, so there was a lot of innovation and creative thinking-out-of-the-box going on around here. 

These fun robot puppets have movable arms and legs and BIG personalities (robot-alities?)

They were made with anything found in the MakerSpace studio - along with older stored artwork, which just waiting to be incorporated in to one of these awesome robots!

Let me explain. Sometimes, when we make painted collage projects, we often paint a LOT of paper to cut and glue to our collages. Much of it is stamped with various shapes for added texture and color, and MUCH of it is left over and stacked in a box for future projects. Like Robot Puppets! BOOM!

We started our robots by tracing the square body on the back of a favorite painted paper using a 5" x 5" cardboard template. The artists cut them out, then created a head, and rectangular arms and legs proportional to the body. (I do this to ensure that they draw and design things BIG, instead of microscopically small, as they often do.) We glued the head to the top of the body, then we added fun foam shapes, bottle caps, stickers, washi tape, sparkly pompoms, pipe cleaners, and what-have-you for features and details. 

After everything was glued on, we punched holes in the body and the tops of the arms and legs and attached them with brads (kids LOVE brads!) Last step: We taped a stick to the back of the body and BOOM! 

An AWESOME puppet!

Our thanks to Meri Cherry for this great art project idea! 

We also made more ROBOTIC HANDS this week. You can see them right HERE.

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