Saturday, June 30, 2018

Wacky Robots!

These Wacky Robots were a dream come true! What kid wouldn't want to build his/her own robot -- from scratch??? In one afternoon?

Recycled sculptures are actually referred to as assemblages because they are assembled from anything and everything. We have bins and bins full of recyclables, craft supplies, and odds and ends that proved to be perfect for this project! This project is what our S.T.E.A.M. MakerSpace is all about!

Here's a partial list:

Craft sticks, plastic lids/bottles, cans, wood scraps, brads, wire, yarn, broken/discarded toys, pipe cleaners, metal hardware, duct tape, beads, dowels, yarn, straws, felt scraps, cardboard, etc.  

We also needed tools like wire cutters, scissors, hammers, pliers, paper glue, HOT glue, and LOTS of hot glue sticks. 

There were no real rules about what they could make or how.  Originally, it was to be a "robotic creature of some kind," but we ended up with whatever the kids came up with from the materials at hand. 

Giant army robot

Spoon woman w/movable legs

Creature assemblage
Pet walker on a bridge

Netting the dinosaur riders

Elephant mama and baby on a leash
Note: The tin can robot at the top of this post was described by its creator as the "best robot ever!" (He really likes it.)

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