Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Spooky Art Sightings!

Spooky Arty & Crafty Things have  recently been spotted at the Art Center!

Fortunately, we have been able to get a few pictures of them before they disappeared into the night.

We've had families of black cats and owls popping up out of nowhere. Or maybe out of our giant MakerSpace box of cardboard tubes. Just maybe.

We've also tracked down some spooky witch's hats, adorned with some very strange (or silly?) symbols, shapes, and patterns!

We've also come across a very spooky pumpkin patch 
in the dead of night!

                        Are those BATS flying in the moonlight??!!

It's very possible that we haven't seen the end of these 
strange sightings! Check back again soon!

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