This project brought smiles to their faces the minute they saw the HUGE cardboard donut shapes and all of the paint.

This project is what preschool art should be: open-ended, process-driven art activities that provide for self expression, self-initiative, and a bit of safe risk-taking.

In a relaxing, fun environment, they are exploring materials, developing fine motor skills, and being adventurous!

And all these guys thought they were doing was making giant donuts!!!
NOTES: At the BAC, we understand the benefits of open-ended art activities that preschoolers thrive upon, and we strive to provide them in our Little Artists art class. The results might not always appear to be refrigerator door-worthy, but they are! Display them proudly! Our projects are not designed to be cute, cookie cutter, teacher-dictated crafts. Preschoolers need to be able to explore their world while creating something that is uniquely their own. Moreover, the process should be a source of stress-free joy, while often, to the child, the product is secondary. Please bear this in mind when your child must be reminded to take home what he has created... it's okay!
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