Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Insect Studies

This week we created quick insect studies. 

Our subjects were very colorful and interesting beetles and other types of bugs.

We studied several resource photos of beetles and beetle-type bugs, as well as other flying insects.

Our goals were to:

- fit the insect into the formatted paper size of 4-1/2" x 6."

- use pencil, black Sharpie, and watercolor as our art media.

- draw the insect directly from above for a symmetrical view.

- produce two insect studies if time. 

We started by choosing an interesting beetle or insect from a resource photo. It was okay to make changes to it and to name it ourselves.

We drew a light pencil line down the center of the watercolor paper card. We drew in the eye circles and the antennae, continuing down the body to create the rest of the insect shape. The center line helped us sketch the insect symmetrically. 

Next we went over our pencil sketch with fine tipped and extra-fine tipped Sharpies. Then we painted the insect in watercolor, quickly filling in the colors and using thinned paint for lighter colors and highlights. The Sharpie does not run, bleed, or smear.

Finally, we used larger brushes to quickly paint in an uneven, blurry background.

Then, we did it again! This artwork was done by students ages 8 through adult. 





Sample 2
Sample 1

This was a Families Create! collaborative art class, where kids and parents make art together. Request your own family art class anytime!

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