Saturday, June 15, 2019

Art for Father's Day!

This week our Thursday art classes made artwork just for Dad!

These are little watercolor paintings in frames that were created using natural elements to match the subject of the painting.

The children worked very hard on this gift for their fathers and were proud of the finished results!

As a bonus, each artist created not one but two small watercolor paintings. That way they could choose their favorite to frame and keep the other painting for themselves.

The paintings were created from observation using photos of nature from our resource files.  The artists then mixed their own colors and created textures, shadows, and details using a variety of brushwork techniques.

Our Little Artists made ROBOT Dads and Kids for Father's Day!

This is a collage project similar to the Invitation to Create Robot Lab in which the materials and tools are made available on the table and the kids just go to town.

We set out paper scraps, strips of cardboard, bits of straws, googly eyes, sequins, beads, small metal fasteners, glue, scissors, and markers. 

And as you can see from these pictures, these Little Artists went to town!

Once they were finished with their masterpieces, we found the just the right letters to personalize our gifts of art for Father's Day!

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