Saturday, October 05, 2019

Open Studio Art Classes!

October is a great month for "open studio" art classes. Why? Because Halloween art is exciting and super fun to make! 

Everyone either has great ideas for making their own Halloween-themed art OR is looking for spooky art-making ideas and opportunities. 

Our job is to provide a place, supplies, materials, and inspiration. Our students do the rest, because they are the artists and this is their studio. 

This week many of our artists worked on Halloween Inchies, one of our favorite Halloween projects. 

These are tiny, 4" x 4" mini-masterpieces that are fun to design and even more fun to make!

These artists decided to paint a Halloween scene. They are experimenting with color mixing, charcoal, and mixed media.
This artist learned how to blend acrylic paint colors and add an oil pastel "web" over the dried paint for his 3-D spider. 

Oil pastels are a popular medium for spooky nighttime scenes (on black paper).

A few pieces of art and cardboard tube characters made in Open Studio.
This artist traced the shape of dinosaur toys to create these realistic drawings.
(Of course, the Halloween-theme isn't required in Open Studio.)
One of our younger artists painted this a spooky pumpkin patch.
This artist created a spooky moonlit scene from a popular Halloween movie.

Many of our Friday class artists used their Open Studio to create the Halloween-themed inchies below. They might choose to frame each one, or they might mount them, grid-style, on a square of poster board. They will continue to develop their ideas throughout October for even more inchies to add to their collections!

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