Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Open Studio Halloween Art!

Our October Open Studio classes always bring out the best, and this year was no exception! Such a great time to get a bit silly, roll up your sleeves, and create something awesome! 

For example, these Spooky Forest Jack-o-Lanterns. 

This cute - I mean SCARY - Halloween project is always a favorite! These two were created in our adult open studio art class. 

These two were created by  home schoolers on an Art Club open studio day.

One of our teen home schoolers painted this reflection of a black cat (below) for her open studio project. 

This is a great reflection of her awesome watercolor skills, wouldn't you say?

Our younger home schoolers painted several pumpkins and beautiful fall colors all over these big sheets of butcher paper.

Then, using thick black paint, we outlined pumpkins and a variety of leaves right over the the painted paper. 

After everything was dry, we cut them out and put them in the window for a beautiful autumn display of falling leaves in a pumpkin patch!

A big thanks to our young home schoolers in HSAC for 
sprucing up our front windows!

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