Saturday, December 14, 2019

Santa Folk Art

This week we celebrated Santa through the ages and as he appears in other countries.

Also known as St. Nick, Kris Kringle, and Father Christmas, he brought toys and goodies to children on Christmas Eve just like our present day Santa. 

However, early images of Santa looked quite different than the Santa we know today. He wore long coats of various colors and ornamentation. 

He often carried Christmas trees and variety of items such as food, toys in baskets, large pockets, belts, and shoulder bags. 

The children were very interested in these nostalgic images of Santa Claus and wanted to create their own. 

This art project is an extension of Patty's lesson from Deep Space Sparkle, which helped us to create our own sweet Santas wearing beautifully embroidered coats.  We used 12" x 18 "blue sulphite paper for this project.

After drawing our Santa with black oil pastel, we painted his face using flesh tone craft paint. The rest of the painting is completed in tempera paint, starting with the white beard and fur. 

Next, we added Santa's coat, remembering to double-load our chosen color with a bit of white. We refrained from washing our brushes in water; instead we wiped them on our painting mats and kept right on painting! This kept us from watering down our paint.


We then painted the background with broad strokes of icy colors, again by double and triple loading our brushes with cool colors and white.

We painted in the boots and mittens, and we allowed everything to dry. 

The next step was to draw various patterns and designs on the coat with construction paper crayons. 

Lastly, we re-outlined our Santas with black oil pastel and added the eyes, nose and mouth.

I love these lovely Scandinavian-style patterns and designs!

Our artists ranged in age from 5 to 12 years.

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