Thursday, January 30, 2020

Playful Messy Fun!

Have you seen the PSAs about the "Genius of Play?" Creating ART is all about play! This project was about making abstract art - and having playful fun at the same time!

We compared objective art, which is pictures of objects and living things, and abstract art - or non-objective art - which we decided is fun to make and fun to look at. In other words: PLAY! 

We used many techniques to make this mixed media abstract art. We started by gluing torn newspaper comics and puzzles to our substrate - which is a 15" x 15" piece of poster board. Then we sponged over it slightly with any color (tinted with white). We then used a brayer to roll on a second tinted color. 

Next, we looked through some magazines and tore or cut out interesting pictures that conveyed "play" in some way, and we arranged and glued them into our composition. We also looked for big, fun letters to use to spell words with. 

Now it was time to add more paint, so we sponged on one more color. 

Then we cut or punched out a few squares or dots from construction paper and glued them somewhere into the artwork.

Next, we used corrugated cardboard and bubble wrap to add a few patterned prints in darker colors and white.

Then we choose a few words to represent our theme of "play." 

Words we thought of as a group were play, playful, mess, messy, create, fun, funny, art, make, have fun, games... you get the idea.

We cut out and added the letters of our chosen words to the composition. 

Last step: DOODLE! 

We used Sharpies and glitter pens to add doodles, swirls, patterns and even secret messages. 

And this is why abstract art is so much fun to look at - you see something new every time you look at it!
 These last three are demonstrations that I made along with our young artists.
If I mixed all of them up, could you tell which are mine? 

These painted abstract collages were created by artists 
6 to 15 years of age.

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