Wednesday, April 01, 2020

An Art Club for Student "Artists-in-Residence"

The Blackfoot Art Center hosts an awesome Home School Art Club that is open to any child currently learning at home for any reason - including school closures due to stay-at-home directives, quarantines, and similar COVID-19 concerns.  

Art can be an essential means of self-expression, stress relief, fun, and enjoyment. It is our hope that all young "artists-in-residence" to continue to be creative, imaginative art-makers.  

So, we welcome art students everywhere to HSAC! 
We hope enjoy your time with us while making art at home.

Because of current circumstances, we will make a few changes to this weblog platform. Here is what you need to know:

n     We'll continue to feature samples of student artwork and how-we-did-it instructions. 

n   In addition, we will also present lesson plans, project ideas, helpful links, tips, and printable art handouts to help students successfully complete art lessons and projects at home. 

n   Students will need simple art supplies that most families have on hand as well as common household materials and recyclables to create their art. 

n   Photos of completed artwork can then be submitted via email for teacher evaluation and to be posted on this weblog.

n   Our goal will be to post lessons and project ideas as often as possible, at least three per week. Students are free to decide which projects they would like to do - and when to do them.

n   If a lesson suggestion sparks an original art project idea, or if an artist has a unique art-making idea of his/her own, by all means - create it! Originality and creative thinking are what art is all about. Remember to send us a photo of your artwork!

We will begin with basic drawing suggestions, games, and drawing projects. See you there!

Here are some tips for creating a Home Art Studio for young artists. And here is a printable Art Supply List for Young Artists.

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