Saturday, December 03, 2022

Folk Art Santa

This week we celebrated Santa through the ages and as he appears in other

Also known as St. Nick, Kris Kringle, and Father Christmas, he brought toys and goodies to children on Christmas Eve just like our present day Santa. 

However, early images of Santa looked quite different than the Santa we know today. He wore long coats of various colors and ornamentation. 

He often carried Christmas trees and things like food and toys in baskets. He sometimes had large pockets, belts, and ornate shoulder bags. 

The children were very interested in these nostalgic images of Santa Claus and wanted to create their own. 

We originally created this type of Santa artwork in December of 2019. 

You can see more about this project and how we made it, including step-by-step instructions, on our original weblog post: Santa Folk Art.

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