Saturday, December 17, 2022

Wintering Birds

If you are a bird watcher (like I am) you know that many birds do not "fly south" for the winter.

They spend their winters in - and thrive in - cold, snowy climates. 

Black-capped Chickadee, painted collage

Last Thursday, I spent a good part of my day observing birds in my own Idaho backyard. There are about three inches of snow on the ground and the temps were about 20°F.

I saw: several flocks of starlings, a house wren, a scrub jay, two magpies, a northern red-shafted flicker (a type of woodpecker), and a robin!

Blue Jay, watercolor and acrylic on paper

Our goal as artists was to illustrate backyard birds that winter in cold climates such as ours in southeastern Idaho. Our artists used mixed media for their illustrations, including tempera paint, oil pastels, collage, watercolor, and acrylics. 
Blue Jay with Northern Cardinal, oil pastel and tempera collage

You can learn more about how to create this wintering bird mixed media collage on our original weblog post, Backyard Birds

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