On the last day of this camp, we created beasts... elephants!
Little artists learned about the differences between African and Asian elephants. Then we made 3-D elephants using sponge painting, collage, and paper folding techniques.

We borrowed this project idea from Mr. Giannetto's art blog.
Older artists created detailed drawings of elephants, then went over them with black school markers (like Crayola, Cra-Z-Art, and Rose Art markers). Then they painted over them with water - and guess what! Their elephants turned a rainbow of 'grayish' colors! Depending upon the brand, black markers will bleed blues, purples, pinks, browns, and greens when water is added, which we found makes awesome elephants! Permanent markers, such as Sharpies, do not do this (so we use Sharpies when we do NOT want bleeding to happen).
Finally, we used watercolors to fill in the background and more markers for details.
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