Saturday, June 16, 2018

Father's Day Art

Our Friday Art Adventures kids made these framed watercolor paintings for their dads. Aren't they beautiful?

Creating this project was a three-step process. First the artists sponged painted their cardboard frames to create natural colors and textures. 

Then they created three small watercolor landscape paintings using photographic ideas found in our resource files. Finally, they assembled their frames using their choice of natural elements. 

Once everything was complete, they viewed each of their paintings through their frame opening and selected the one Dad would like the best. 

They framed Dad's painting and kept the other two 4" x 6" paintings for themselves.

Shown here are a few of the other little paintings our artists might attach to greeting cards, mail as postcards, or frame for themselves.

Creating three paintings meant no pressure to paint the "perfect" picture. It gave them a chance to practice realistic watercolor techniques while painting different types of interesting landscapes. Plus, it was fun!

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