Sunday, June 24, 2018

Landscapes & Cityscapes

Summer 2018 Art Camps have begun! Week 1 was all about landscapes and cityscapes from a different "perspective." (Get it?)

First we went outside and did some plein air sketching - which means drawing (or painting) outdoors on location. Our goal was to capture the downtown Blackfoot area by sketching the things that represent our little town and that caught our eye, sometimes from an unusual point of view. 

For example, we tried looking straight up from the sidewalk to draw buildings and signs. We drew murals that we saw on buildings. We drew doorways, stone and brickwork, mailboxes. 

We drew manikins and displays in shop windows.

We even drew each other DRAWING!

The next day we selected our favorite sketches to complete. We outlined important images with Sharpies and filled in colors with any media desired. 

For added interest, I took a few b/w pictures of Blackfoot's iconic images such as the water tower and the big Idaho potato in front of the Potato Museum. They could turn these into art by outlining, coloring, and cutting them out for use in their final project.

When all of the elements were completed, they were arranged and glued down to a large piece of paper or posterboard to create a personal poster promoting downtown Blackfoot! 

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