Friday, August 09, 2019

3-D Abstract Art!

We created abstract art in    3-D while recycling cardboard at the same time!

This project was really fun and we loved the results.

We started with a piece of cardboard, maybe 8" x 8." we cut and glued long and short strips of more cardboard to it with ordinary white glue. Then we glued more on top of those. 

Lastly, we painted the whole thing with acrylic paint. 

Cool, huh?

We also made 3-D scribble art! Just draw a big scribble on an ordinary sheet of paper and color in the sections using solid colors, patterns, or both. Then cut out the entire shape and cut into the shape somewhat on your lines. Finally, twist and turn it until you can seat it on a 4" x 4" piece of construction paper and staple it down. 

Viola! An awesome paper sculpture.

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