Saturday, August 17, 2019

Grizzly Bears!

This past week we created these Grizzly Bears. We learned the difference between grizzlies and other types of bears, and we learned that grizzlies are at the top of the food chain in the forests where they live and an important part of the overall ecosystem. We also learned that they were once endangered and could become endangered again.

First we painted paper lots of different shades of brown. You can see our little grizzly bear helper checking out our young artists' work.

Next we painted our the sky for our backgrounds.

Then we painted the forest right over the sky.

Next, we cut out and assembled our bears. These bears are BIG, which can be a challenge for some young artists when drawing the shapes (on the back) and cutting them out. Kids often make things way too small.

The pieces of the bear were assembled and glued down. Then we used oil pastels to add facial details and glued the bear to our backgrounds.

My sample

Check out That Artist Woman for details about how to create this fun, 
mixed-media project!

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