Friday, August 23, 2019

More Awesome Abstract Art!

Heroic Roses,  1938

"A drawing is simply a line going for a walk."            
                             ~ Paul Klee

For our last art project of the summer, we painted like Paul Klee! 

This 20th century Swiss-German artist was an Abstract-Expressionist. Much of his work is comprised of bold black lines, striking forms, and vivid color. 

Just our style!!!

First we painted bold black lines to create interesting shapes and forms. We filled maybe two of them in with additional patterns.

After the paint dried, we filled in each section with color. We mixed our own tints and tones for most of the colors. (We used liquid tempera paint.)

Many of our artists mixed their own brand new colors and named them!

A few went back over their black lines after the colors were added and others didn't.

These paintings are so exciting and bold!  I just love the freedom of expression that I witness whenever we create abstract art. Plus, it's just plain FUN!!!

These artists ages ranged in age from six to twelve. 

Our thanks the the Imagination Tree for this awesome abstract art project idea.

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