I just love these tiny country scenes on old wood. These were painted in our adult art class.
The wood came from an old fence. We gessoed the wood first (white primer also works).

While it dried we sketched a few design ideas on a piece of paper.
Next we sketched in the basic shapes with a pencil, keeping it very simple and folk art-like.

We then outlined everything with black paint using a detail brush.
Then, starting at the top, we filled in the basic colors, using various color mixtures plus white as much as possible to create tints and gradients of color, as seen in these trees.

We also used a large round bristle brush to create puffy clouds in the sky.
The last step was to add details to the building and to the foreground, such as these sunflowers.
We still have an abundance of weathered cut wood, so if you would like to set up your own tiny-scene painting party, please let us know! This project takes about two hours.
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