Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Narwhals and Tidepools

We just finished our Oceans & Seashores Art Camp and had so much fun!!! 

First, we learned all about Narwhals, the Unicorns of the Sea, and then we painted them!

Did you know? A Narwhal's horn is actually a tooth. Mostly males have one and just a few Narwhals have two of them and some have none at all. 

Scientists don't know what the horns are for. 

Our Narwhals were drawn with pencil and outlined with Sharpies. Then they were colored in with oil pastel, allowing some of the white paper to remain white. 

The next step was to paint over the Narwhal with watercolor - one chosen color only, and watch the oil pastel colors pop through! This is called watercolor resist.

After the paint was dry, we added blue (or turquoise blue) watercolor to the background. We sprayed it lightly with water to keep it wet and sprinkled some course salt over it to create a watery home for our little Narwhals!

We have painted Unicorns of the Sea before. Take a look at our previous post right here.

We also made our own tidepools! 

This time we drew our sea life with wax crayons. We also use shimmering crayons to draw sparkles on the water. 

 And again, we watched the colors resist the blue watercolor paint that we painted over it. 

After the paint was dry, we added a few additional details to our sea life, then we cut an interesting shape around the pool. Finally, we filled it up with a sandy beach! 

That part was easy. We just painted the white area around the pool with white glue (mixed with a little water) and sprinkled sand over it. Then we glued on a few tiny sea shells to complete our little tide pools. 

Thanks to Buggy and Buddy for  this awesome art project idea!

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