Thursday, May 18, 2023

Backyard Bird Portraits

Northern Flicker, artist age 11

Since becoming an official "bird watcher" (Project FeederWatch), I have found that birds are much more than just these chirping feathered critters you see flying around in the yard. I enjoy identifying them, learning about them, and watching their behaviors. (There can be a lot of bird-drama in your own backyard if you pay close attention!) 

I have also found that the kiddos who come to our art classes are equally enthusiastic about birds!

So, as an ongoing project, we decided to paint Backyard Bird Portraits. 

Our goal is to paint portraits of local birds; that is, birds that frequent our area here in southeastern Idaho. That doesn't mean that we won't paint other birds too.  Sometimes you've just gotta paint a favorite bird, no matter where you might actually find it.

Blue Jay, artist age 14

This student has a special affinity for Blue Jays. She has included the Blue Jay in several different works of art, so this piece was a natural for her!

I've not personally observed any Blue Jays in our area, but they are listed on the eBird Field Checklist for our County. Have I seen Scrub Jays? Yes I have.

Anna's Hummingbird, artist age 11

This artist is a hummingbird lover.  She  painted Anna's Hummingbird, which is found along the Pacific Coast and year-round along the Oregon coastal areas.

Well. That's not so far from our neck of the woods. 

American Robin, artist age 11

Here we have (likely) the most recognizable bird in North America: the American Robin. In fact, when describing the size of a particular bird, it is generally compared to this red-breasted fellow: "Is it larger or smaller than a Robin?" 

This is such a fun project; I have painted a few of my own, the latest of which is this Black-billed Magpie. Big boisterous squawkers they are, but also spectacular, iridescent, and surprisingly graceful.

We're not done yet! Future Backyard Bird Portraits will be posted 
as they are completed.

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