Saturday, May 20, 2023

Giant Designer Feathers

We've been working on Bird Portraits, so why not design our own bird feathers too? 

These very large, unique feathers were painted with temperas in large sections around the center quills. They were then stamped with smaller and still smaller details as desired, while working somewhat symmetrically around the quill (unless not) to create a cohesive design.

Once dry, the feather is cut out with 'V' shaped notches like real feathers. Then we added a few fuzzy feathers at the bottom of the feathers and glued them to a piece of black poster board. 

It was fun to imagine what type of bird (or other flying creature) these feathers could have fallen from!

We made these Giant Designer Feathers in our Friday Art Adventures class.  You can also see more Designer Feathers in our previous post right here

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