After learning a few basic watercolor painting techniques, it's time to dive right in and paint a few little landscapes!
That's right. Even if you've never painted before, you can paint a few of these simple little half-page landscapes with just a few basic supplies and your w/c technique resource sheets.
Each completed mini landscape will show improvement as you practice various w/c techniques and which ones to use when.
Here's what you'll need:
Basic 8-color set of pan watercolors (16 or more colors will work, but I use the basic 8 to encourage color mixing) - we like Prang for bright, bold color!
An additional watercolor palette (optional)
9" x 12" watercolor paper, 90 lb (student grade)
Soft, natural hair watercolor brushes, various sizes, both flats and rounds
A watercolor board (ours are plywood) and making tape
A #2 pencil
Stack of old calendars featuring landscape photos
Small table easel
Your Watercolor Techniques resource sheets
Adjustable viewfinder (you can make one with a piece of cardstock and two paper clips), optional
Scissors (and a paper cutter if you have one)
To start, you will first want to create your viewfinder. Simply cut a piece of cardstock or heavy paper into two "L" shapes. You may be able to make three or even four "L's" out of one sheet of paper. You don't need to measure them. If sides are longer or shorter than others you will be able to adjust them to the size you need to frame a small portion of a picture for your painting.
Which brings us to the next step. Sift through your stack of landscape photos and choose one that you really like. Whoa! That's a lot of detail for a beginner like me, you're saying. I hear you. That's what the viewfinder is for. You will choose just one small portion of the picture to paint within the small format of a half sheet of paper.
Find a section of the photo that you particularly like and adjust two sections of the viewfinder to frame it using a couple of paper clips making sure the shape is similar to a half sheet of watercolor paper (as shown in the photo). Fold the calendar in half and place it on your easel with the viewfinder in place.
Cut a piece of watercolor paper in half and tape it to your watercolor board. Place your watercolors, water, brushes, and paper towels on the table.
Carefully observe your photo resource and, on your watercolor paper, lightly pencil in the basic shapes. Determine what w/c techniques you will use to paint the scene. Remember to simplify - simplify - simplify. For more about how to paint these mini-landscapes, see our previous weblog post, Tiny Landscapes.
This artist found three completely different scenes to paint in one calendar picture. Two of them were painted very similarly to the original scenes. The artist decided to make some changes to the third scene by removing the mountain in the background and adding a night sky. As artists we have total control over our artwork - we can change whatever we like. Remember, the photo is simply a resource, an idea generator. Ultimately, you will paint something that is uniquely yours! Have fun!
Clink here for a printable Tiny Landscapes in Watercolor pdf handout.
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