We made these sparkly winter banners at this
week's Winter ART Workshop!
Our young artists had a such great time creating them too. We painted, printed, smeared, stamped, folded, cut, punched, glued, and threaded. The kids really had fund trying all of these different processes and techniques!
Here's how we made our winter banners:
We used one sheet of black poster board (22" x 28") for every two banners; each 11" x 28."
1) Each artist used an ink brayer to spread blue tempera paint over the poster board. Then we added a bit of white to the blue for additional tints and rolled on even more paint. We were careful to leave some of the black background showing.
2) Artists used bubble wrap, corrugated cardboard, sponges, and old marker lids to print abstract patterns and shapes over the background using cool colors/tints and white.
3) While our backgrounds dried, we cut out evergreen tree shapes from construction paper. Then we also learned how to fold and cut a 6-sided snowflake and we make at least three of them. We also cut a really fancy one out of a doily!
4) Now it was time to arrange our cutouts on the banner and glue them down. We also punched out lots of tiny snowflakes and added them to our banners.
5) We finished the banner by using gold paint for printing golden snowflakes (from rubber stamps) and for additional sponge work.
6) Next, we punched holes along the bottom and added a fringe.
7) The last step was to select a nice birch branch to attach to the top of the banner and twine or yarn to hang it with.
We would like to thank Green Bay Art Room for this great wintery mixed media project idea!